Privacy Policy
Our pledge to you: At insightCuba, one of our top priorities is making sure that the information we have about you is protected and secure. We value our relationship with you and are absolutely committed to preserving your privacy.
This is the website of insightCuba.
Our postal address is:
We can be reached by telephone at 800-450-2822 or by email.
Information we collect
For each visitor to our website, our web server does not recognize information regarding the e-mail address. We collect personal information from visitors who submit their information via our forms as part of our customer service and registration process. For example, information is received via Request for Information, Registration, Make a Payment, and Profile forms, as well as resumes.
Email: We maintain an internal email list of all persons who have requested information, enrolled in our programs, made an online payment, or made an online donation. We may use this list to send occasional updates and announcements about I programs around the world, or emails of a marketing nature. If you do not wish to receive email, you may opt out at any time. We process requests to opt out of email communication via email or the link to our Email Preference Center at the bottom of any marketing email. Email requests are processed within three business days. Please note that transactional emails may still be sent to you on an as-needed basis.
Post: Persons who submit their postal address with the goal of receiving further information or enrolling may periodically receive postal mail from us. If you do not wish to receive mail, please let us know by sending a request by email or by letter. Please provide us with your exact name and address and we will be sure your name is removed from our postal mailing list.
Phone: Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers will receive telephone contact from us responding to a request for more information or a transaction, e.g. enrollment, payment, etc. We do not make unsolicited marketing calls.
How we share information
The email list we maintain is for internal use only and will not be sold, rented, or exchanged with any other company. We only provide email lists with vendors sending our communication, to exclude recipients who have expressly opted out of our email; no other company will use our email list for their communications.
Post: The postal mailing list we maintain is for internal use only and will not be sold, rented, or exchanged with any other company. We only provide our postal mailing lists to process our own mailing; no other company will use our postal mailing list for their communications.
We would otherwise only share email or postal addresses as required by law.
We do not share any personal information about our prospective passengers, former passengers, or donors with anyone external to insightCuba without their knowledge and/or permission, unless required by law.
Personal information of registered passengers is shared with insurance representatives to activate the travel medical insurance, and with our partners in Cuba to assist in the program process.
How we protect information
We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the misuse of information that we have collected from you. All financial information is kept in locked files or electronic files that are password protected.
All confidential information sent via our website (such as credit card numbers) uses the Internet security protocol known as "Secure Sockets Layer" or "SSL." This is a certification and encryption technology designed to make using your credit card as safe as possible on the Internet. InsightCuba does not save credit card numbers and no one at insightCuba has access to your entire credit card number, only the last four digits for identification purposes.
We use "cookies" to monitor how people use our website. A cookie is not software and therefore cannot alter your computer or computer files or software in any way. It is simply a piece of information that is stored on your computer's hard drive which records how you have used the insightCuba’s website. Our cookie records no other information than that which is related to insightCuba. If you do not want us to use cookies in your browser, you can alter your browser settings to reject cookies or to alert you when a website tries to put a cookie on your computer.
Access to your information
If you would like to know exactly what personal information insightCuba has collected about you, we will be happy to share it with you. This includes transaction information (e.g., dates on which you made payments, amounts and types of payments), communications you have directed to our staff (e.g., e-mails, customer inquiries), and contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number). Please email us with a request to review this information.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number, or the DMA's Committee on Ethical Business Practices at, or state and local chapters of the Better Business Bureau, state and local consumer protection office, or The Federal Trade Commission by phone at 202-FTC-HELP (202-382-4357) or electronically at: (link valid as of May 2020).
Contact us if you have any questions regarding this policy.