Due to the nature of travel on a Support for the Cuban People tour in Cuba, all guests should be prepared to walk up to 1-2 miles throughout each day on uneven terrain, cobblestone streets, and stairs.
Regretfully, at this time wheelchairs and walkers are not permitted due to hotels, restaurants, and programmed facilities not being walker or wheelchair accessible.
Music is everywhere in Cuba, and the following represent some of the island's most popular genres:
Son: Son gave birth to all other Cuban music genres. It originated in the 19th century as a combination of Spanish verse & chorus, and African vocals and drumming.
Salsa: This famous genre is descended from Cuban son, but also borrows heavily from other styles, particularly American jazz. Salsa dancing has been influenced by Afro-Cuban forms, especially rumba.
Rumba: A catch-all word for various forms of Afro-Cuban song and dance.
Bolero: From Santiago, this is a romantic and heart felt genre, usually performed by soloists or a harmony duo in the form of a ballad.
Jazz: Jazz is extremely popular throughout the island, and Cuban jazz musicians are famous throughout the world. The annual International Jazz Festival in Havana and venues like La Zorra y el Cuervo and the Jazz Café are great options to experience top talent.
Nueva trova: This politicized genre arose after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and was made famous for its folksy and emotionally charged style.
Timba: A modern and faster-paced version of Cuban son-derived salsa that has become a dominant sound in Cuba today. It draws on African folk dances and rhythms like rumba, but also rap and reggae.
Americans are often received with open arms. Many Cubans have American cultural references and many even have relatives, who now live in the U.S. Cubans are commonly described by past travelers as being outgoing, friendly, fun, respectful, and above all welcoming to foreign guests. Most Cubans are always up for any conversation whether it's about politics, sports, music, or anything for that matter. Try to return their courtesy by being open-minded and respectful towards their culture and lifestyles, and share in the fun with them during the spontaneous experiences that arise during your visit. They feel a kinship to Americans and are thrilled to have the opportunity to meet you.
With a diverse population spread throughout densely packed, large cities and rural countryside, Cuba is home to 11.2 million multi-ethnic residents. Its demographics can be traced to Amerindian roots and the longstanding presence of Spanish settlers, who brought African slaves to work at tobacco, coffee, and sugar plantations. Immigration and emigration that occurred during the 20th century has left its mark, too. As a result, Cuba has a small Asian population as well as residents with Portuguese, British, Irish, Greek, Russian, and Dutch ancestry.
Yes, it is possible to visit a synagogue or Jewish congregation/community while in Cuba provided the visit is part of the traveler’s full-time schedule of educational exchange activities authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
While insightCuba is authorized to provide these visits, most insightCuba tours, except for our custom group tours inclusive of Jewish delegations, does not include visits to synagogues or Jewish congregations/communities as part of its normal tour schedule due very limited scheduling ability among the congregation.
Therefore, if you wish to visit a synagogue or Jewish congregation/community while in Cuba, you will need to contact them directly to see if they have availability during times when you are not required to participate in the full-schedule of educational exchange activities as part of your tour, and required by OFAC. Typically free time is in the evening however most congregations have family and work commitments then. (Please see below for pertinent contact information)
Similar to synagogues and congregations in the United States, availability and access to the public may be limited. Visits by non-congregational members need to be scheduled and with a purpose. Visits are at the discretion of the synagogue or congregation. Please be understanding and note that due to the influx of Jews from the United States, as a result of the religious and people-to-people license categories, visits by individuals are increasingly difficult to obtain.
If you do plan on visiting a synagogue or Jewish congregation/community, donations in CUC's are welcome. Please use the contact information below to learn what is needed.
Please address any inquiries to visit the Jewish community in Cuba to:
El Patronato - La Casa de la Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba
Synagoga Beth Shalom (Conservative)
Calle I esquina 13, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana
Phone 53-7-832-8953
Fax: 53-7-33-3778
Email: beth_shalom@enet.cu or patronato_ort@enet.cu
Contact: Adela Dworin, president
Havana Synagogues
Sinagoga Beth Shalom (Conservative)
Calle I esquina 13, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana
Phone 53-7-832-8953
Fax: 53-7-33-3778
Email: beth_shalom@enet.cu or patronato_ort@enet.cu
Contact: Adela Dworin, president
Other Synagogues in Havana (not all are open):
Centro Sefaradi (Conservative)
Calle 17 esquina E, Vedado, La Habana
Phone: 53-7-832-6623 or 53-5-272 6486
E-mail: judiosefarad@yahoo.com
or visit http://sefaradicuba.com/en, go to the contact section to send them a message
Chevet Achim (not active or open)
Inquisidor entre Luz y Santa Clara
Habana Vieja
La Habana 10100
Phone: 53 (7) 8 32-6623
Adath Israel (Orthodox)
Picota 52 esquina Acosta
Habana Vieja, La Habana
Phone: 53 (7) 861-3495
E-mail: adath@ip.etecsa.cu
Synagogue in Santa Clara
Comunidad Tikun Olam
Santa Clara, Villa Clara
Phone: (53) (422) 74280
Contact: David Tacher, president
Synagogue in Camaguey
Comunidad Hebrea Teferit Israel
Andres Sanchez #365 e/ Capdevila Y Joaquin Aguero
(322) 84639 or (322) 291794
Synagogue in Caibarién
Comunidad Hebrea de Caibarién (near remedios)
Calle 16 # 1719
Phone: 53 42 33544
President: Berta Levy
Vice president: Julio Rodriguez Eli
Yes. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings have been held in Havana for more than two decades and welcome foreign members whenever they happen to be passing through. Cuban attendees are friendly, supportive, and eager to share with their foreign friends.
However, to attend a meeting, insightCuba guests must reach out to the centres directly. In addition, they should make arrangements to visit during their non-programming time in the evening. Contact information for various centers in Havana is below, however we reccommend reaching out to them directly prior to visiting as times and locations change frequently. Also, before traveling, we recommend visiting the AA in Cuba website.
Iglesia Bautista William Carey
Calle J #555, near Calle 25
Phone: 832-2250
Fri.-Mon., 7 p.m.
Grupo Habana
San Lázaro No. 805, between Marques Gonzalez y Oquendo
In the church next to Hospital Almejeiras
Phone: 878-8404
Mon.-Thurs. and Sat., 7 p.m.
Grupo Despertar
Calle 19, between Calles J & I
Convento San Juan De Letran
Mon. and Fri., 8 p.m.
Cuba falls in the Eastern Time Zone, which is the same as Miami, New York, and the East Coast of the U.S.
Please note that Cuba also observes Daylight Saving Time, although this period begins and ends approximately one week after Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.
Yes, it is possible to attend a Shabbat or other Jewish services while in Cuba. if you wish to visit a synagogue or Jewish congregation/community while in Cuba, you will need to contact them directly to see if there will be a service, when the service is being held, and if there is space to accommodate you at the service. If you do opt to attend Shabbat or other Jewish services while in Cuba, please inform your insightCuba tour leader and Cuban guide so they know your whereabouts. All scheduling and arrangements must be made by the individual guest.
For more information, please contact:
El Patronato - La Casa de la Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba
Synagoga Beth Shalom (Conservative)
Calle I esquina 13, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana
Phone 53-7-832-8953
Fax: 53-7-33-3778
Email: beth_shalom@enet.cu or patronato_ort@enet.cu
Contact: Adela Dworin, president
Yes, feel free to converse with the Cuban people as you would with the people of any other country that you may visit.
One misconception about Cuba is that you should always refrain from speaking with Cubans about these matters. In fact, it would be a shame not to. Cubans are often extremely well-informed, and open to discussing the positives and negatives of their country, provided you are willing to do the same with yours. You will discover that Cubans love having conversations concerning just about everything with outside guests. Just be prepared to grab a seat.
There may be occasions when someone is reluctant to discuss a certain topic. If this occurs, simply avoid forcing the issue and move to a different subject. Be civil, keep an open-mind, respect their culture, and avoid making statements that would obviously be inflammatory – just as you would anywhere else. Otherwise, the only other advice is to talk with as many people as you can and make some new friends!
You can contact us via telephone, and email. Visit our contact page for details.
Cuba’s food rationing system has been in place since 1962, when American sanctions placed a sudden burden on the population. Although the prices of rationed items are low, most Cubans have to supplement their supplies at higher-priced stores. There has been talk that the rationing system will be ending within the next few years.
Under the office of registration of customers (Oficina de Registro de Consumidores, popularly known as Oficoda), every household has a food ration book in which the bodega (grocery store), butcher shop or milk store clerk’s record each purchase. Each clerk also has a book to keep track of the products sold to each household: The household ration book and clerk’s book have to match. His book must also match the products sold during the month.
Each household ration book has a number, and the clerk’s book contains the number for each household and the list of products he is supposed to sell. Each ration book also contains a list of household members and their dates of birth, so the clerk knows if there’s a child under the age of 10 or a household member over 60. He gets his books from the state company that handles rationing. A separate book keeps track of the beef or milk for households that have children. Other information is kept on file for senior citizens and those on special diets (or “dietas.”)