Instructions: Prior to your visit to Cuba, define the words in bold listed below. Each term describes a form of public transport in Havana. Check your answers and no reading ahead.
Sigmund Freud, the founding Father of psychoanalysis was famous for interpreting symbols and human habits. He found meaning is almost everything. In photographs, he is often seen smoking a cigar. Once asked “What is the meaning of the cigar Sigmund?”, he replied that “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”.
Well friends, I have just returned from Cuba and am here to tell you that in Cuba, a cigar is NOT “just a cigar”. “Tabaco” is the ultimate Cuban export, and is renowned across the globe for its rich flavor and superior quality.
3 DIY drinks that will bring Havana home to you. If drinking were a fine art, then Cubans would be the Van Goghs of the craft. After Prohibition outlawed alcohol in the U.S. in 1919, Americans smartened up and fled to the heat-filled haven of Havana to imbibe—and discovering the Cuban cocktail scene as a result became the ended up being the happiest accident of America’s outlaw on giggle juice.
A music capital by any standard, Havana lives up its long, boisterous nights, just as it pulsates throughout its sunny, steamy days. There is salsa cubana, rumba and jazz, with long withstanding institutions entertaining since decades.
La Rampa runs along Havana’s main thoroughfare, 23rd Street, descending from the bustling M street intersection, home to Coppelia Park’s ice cream parlor and the famous Cinema Yara, to the Malecón, Havana’s five-mile winding ocean wall.
With its unparalleled culture and unique history, Cuba has no shortage of riches for which people from all around the world flock down to the isle. But perhaps its biggest wealth lies within its rich biodiversity and its extraordinary preservation efforts, a top priority on the island.
The largest island nation in the Caribbean, an archipelago of more than 4,000 islands, Cuba counts on an extraordinary array of landscapes in which rare and unusual species are to be found - in remote jungles, mysterious caves and dazzling reefs.