Part of enjoying the Cuban culture is incorporating it into your experience. The easiest way to do that? Through communicating. As with most Spanish-speaking countries, Cuba has their own nuances with the language, complete with colloquialisms and slang that inform as much as they entertain. So study up and get ready to speak up during your next trip. Here are the seven phrases Spanish class didn’t teach you.
My wife and I recently had the good fortune to travel to Cuba. This country and its people are spectacular, but what truly struck me is how many American cars from the 40’s and 50’s (and even the 30’s) are still on the road. We all know that these old American cars exist in Cuba, and of course I expected to see them, but I was startled by the fact that they are everywhere! Cuba is a vintage car lover's paradise.
Sigmund Freud, the founding Father of psychoanalysis was famous for interpreting symbols and human habits. He found meaning is almost everything. In photographs, he is often seen smoking a cigar. Once asked “What is the meaning of the cigar Sigmund?”, he replied that “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”.
Well friends, I have just returned from Cuba and am here to tell you that in Cuba, a cigar is NOT “just a cigar”. “Tabaco” is the ultimate Cuban export, and is renowned across the globe for its rich flavor and superior quality.
A music capital by any standard, Havana lives up its long, boisterous nights, just as it pulsates throughout its sunny, steamy days. There is salsa cubana, rumba and jazz, with long withstanding institutions entertaining since decades.
Billed as the first US TV series shot entirely in Cuba, reality show Cuban Chrome aired on the Discovery Channel in the summer of 2015. Produced by Craig Piligian’s Pilgrim Studios, the ground-breaking program was broadcast in English and Spanish in 220 countries—though not in Cuba itself.
Though they are two very different countries in many ways, Cuba and the United States have at least one major thing in common: the love of baseball. Many assume that soccer is the most popular sport in Cuba, given futbol’s prominence in the rest of Latin America. But, like in the United States, baseball is Cuba’s national pastime.